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Open Hours
Mon - Sat: 8 am - 6 pm, Sunday: CLOSED

Risk Management and Process

Risk mitigation is an integral part of business process management. Here at BPMotion we emphasise the importance of an integrated application of risk management strategies with your process management tools. So often businesses manage risks separately to key organisational activities. We make a cohesive approach simple and effective through a single, powerful interface that incorporates risk visibility with mitigating actions applied to the business activities themselves.

Services provided:

• Integrating defined risk frameworks to be visible within the business process architecture
• Defining the structure and tools to capture risks or incidents and apply them to process improvement or review where required
• Establishing the capture of audit recommendations against processes with risk mitigations or actions

Business hours

Monday-Saturday: ............... 8.00-18.00

Sunday: ............................................ Closed

Calendar Events: .......................... Closed